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1Difference Between Alpha and Beta Testing: What Are They, and Why They Matter? What is the difference between alpha and beta testing? Before we answer this question, let’s figure out some basic concepts: what is alpha testing? And what is beta testing? In this blog, all the above questions can be answered.
2Challenges and Interaction-Related Problems in Mobile Web Applications This article explores the challenges faced by developers and testers in adapting web applications for mobile devices and highlights common interaction-related problems that can impact the user experience.
3Overcoming Challenges in Mobile App Testing In this article, we explore the specific challenges faced in mobile app testing and discuss strategies to overcome them.
4Basic Process of Performance Testing Organizations and developers usually have specific steps of Performance Testing, which could vary from one and another. Let us find out some basic Performance Testing steps.
5Mastering the Key Points of Mobile Game Testing Mobile game development is now a big business. Game development companies need to ensure the quality of their products so that players can use the perfect game experience. In this process, playtesting becomes extremely important. Here are the key takeaways from mobile game testing.