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1Challenges and Strategies in Mobile App Testing This article discusses common challenges and strategies in mobile app testing.
2What do all agile frameworks have in common | Agile Methodology Basics What do all agile frameworks have in common and how it works? This article focuses on the common attributes and their objectives.
3How Does Rule-Based Performance Work? In this blog post, we are going to cover one of the most asked questions of how does rule-based performance work and what are their advantages and disadvantages. Make sure to read till the end to understand everything regarding RBP systems.
4QA Security Testing: What's the Relationship Between Them? What is QA security testing? In software development, Quality Assurance (QA) is a crucial process that ensures the quality of a product or service. It involves a series of techniques and processes that aim to improve the system and prevent issues from occurring.
5WeTest Long-term Cooperation Partner Introduction- Vietnam KOL Tuan Ngoc(The Third Issue) WeTest PerfDog has become a performance testing tool used by users all over the world. Recently, WeTest international community launched a global discussion on “performance testing tools” and received comments and videos from YouTube KOL.