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1What is Automation Framework: Comprehensive Understanding of Automation Frameworks What is a testing framework? A framework is a set of guidelines and an architecture that, when followed, can produce beneficial results.
2A Comprehensive Guide to Android Application Security Testing for Developers and Testers What are the security vulnerabilities in the Android ecosystem? Where can we explore new Android security testing techniques? How can we streamline the security testing process?
3Questions About Mobile App Testing Services for A Beginner In this brief, you will learn more details about the service, why it is important, what it can do for you, and know how to choose a different kind of testing.
4How Tencent Captures and Analyzes Game Crashes Solving crash problems is a pressing need. From the PC era to the mobile era, there have been many tools for crash capture and analysis. So, what new problems and challenges does Tencent Games' new crash analysis system solve?
5What are the Benefits of Continuous Integration (CI) The benefits of continuous integration are countless. CI is critical and significant for software teams. Learn what are the advantages of it in this post.