  • PC Compatibility Testing Service

    Faced with the fragmentation of global devices, WeTest Compatibility Testing provides all-in-one compatibility testing service. Cover multi-dimensional software and hardware combinations of PC.

  • WeTest

    Compatibility Testing of Full-dimensional Core Scenarios

    Comprehensive testing of core game scenarios, including installation, login, logout, character creation, store, events, and other scenes. Thoroughly test game compatibility issues.

  • WeTest

    Multi-dimensional Combination Compatibility Solution

    Choose the appropriate compatibility testing solution based on different types of GPU, CPU, Screen, Resolution, etc. Use the solution that covers the widest range of users for testing in order to achieve optimal testing results.

  • WeTest

    Quickly Detect Compatibility Issues

    Customers only need to submit the installation package and do not need game testers or test equipment. The test team will efficiently perform, fully understand the test scenario, and quickly discover product compatibility issues.

  • WeTest

    Comprehensive Test Reports

    The test report includes the passing status of the device, and for failed devices, it provides details of the problem and the range of users affected. Screenshots, videos, etc. are also provided to quickly pinpoint the problem.

How to ensure game compatibility with various devices?

With various device brands, system versions and resolutions on the market, it's challenging to guarantee that the game product is compatible with all devices.

WeTest conducts compatibility testing on major devices on the market and can update new devices based on your requirements. We meticulously record compatibility issues during testing to ensure functional compatibility.


Lack of professional QA tester?

Lack of professional QA testers slows down the testing process, results in uncomprehensive compatibility testing, and hinders the launch of your product.

We provide game testing experts who conduct testing for all compatibility scenarios and performance indicators of game products. We deliver detailed testing reports to ensure the game runs smoothly on various device configurations.


Get Your 1:1 Demo with a WeTest Expert

Whatever you want to learn about, we’re happy to discuss.
  • Wide Device Coverage

    We cover device configurations used by over 80% of users, including 70+ models of GPUs, 40+ models of CPUs, 11 different screen resolutions and 10 different antivirus softwares.

  • Timely Acquisition of Latest Devices

    We promptly acquire the necessary devices based on market changes and your requirements, expanding the coverage of devices for compatibility testing.

  • Fast Delivery of Testing Results

    Testing results would be delivered in about a week, helping your team save plenty of testing time.

  • Expert-generated Test Reports

    Our professional testers provide comprehensive functional test reports to help your development team track and locate issues accurately, improving bug fix efficiency and quality.

Customer stories

  • Challenge: Complexity of the player's gaming environment

    Tencent's game user base is relatively large, so the user's gaming environment contains a combination of multiple types of hardware and software, making compatibility testing extremely difficult.

  • Solution: Rapid coordination of test resources

    Leveraging our rich hardware resources, we have developed a software and hardware testing program with the widest coverage to quickly complete comprehensive testing and acceptance while exposing problems as much as possible.


Getting started

Business communication
Business communication

Based on your needs, we will confirm your intention to use the testing service and sign a testing agreement.

Pre-sales communication

We will formulate a customer service solution for your company.

Submit test materials
Need analysis and case design

WeTest can analyze your actual business and product architecture to design in-depth test cases.

You can submit your own test cases

You can use the console to submit test requirements and materials

Testing and report delivery
Running test cases

We will precisely analyze compatibility issues in depth.

Writing report

We will produce a detailed test report based on the test results.

Report acceptance

We will notify you to check up the report online or offline, which completes the service.

Satisfaction evaluation

Your satisfaction is our guidance to everything we do.

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Our services save developers energy, time, and cost in producing high-quality games.
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