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1Appium Desired Capabilities: What Are They and How to Launch? Appium desired capabilities can help us modify the behavior of the server during automation. Understanding and learning how to use it is important for app automation testing. In this blog, we will dive into this concept.
2Localization Testing is Functional or Nonfunctional? Localization testing is functional or nonfunctional? It's hard to say. Before answering this question, we need to understand the difference between functional and non-functional testing, and what localization testing is. In this blog, these questions will be answered.
3Integrity Testing data | Basics, Checklist, and Common Mistakes Integrity testing data holds vital importance for the testing success rate. This article talks about this data and types of integrity testing along with common mistakes while handling this data.
4Important Metrics for Automation Testing This article highlights the key characteristics of automated test metrics, providing valuable insights to enhance your utilization of automated test strategies.
5Performance Optimization | Detailed Overview Performance optimization methodologies for maximizing game efficiency and performance and providing smooth gaming experiences.