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1Unlock Game Quality at Game Quality Forum 2023 with WeTest This blog explores WeTest's comprehensive testing services and participation in the Game Quality Forum 2023.
2Why Game Testing is Vital for Popular Mobile Games like PUBG and the Risks of Not Doing It There are four key areas that require in-depth testing, and various testing methods are used to identify potential issues. But, playtesting can also pose risks, including technical and financial ones. So, it is vital to conduct thorough testing to avoid these risks and deliver a top-notch game.
3A Comprehensive Guide to XSS Attacks and Defenses This article provides a detailed introduction to XSS(Cross Site Scripting) vulnerability attacks and defenses, including vulnerability basics, XSS fundamentals, encoding basics, XSS Payload, and XSS attack defense.
4What Is A REST API and How Does It Work? A Guide for Beginners What is a REST API? How does it work? In this blog, we introduce you to more about REST APIs and help you get better solutions for your target.
5What is Quality Management for Games? Detailed Overview What is quality management in games? It is a systematic method of the attainment of pre-determined quality for games that enhances their quality through processes and methods.