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The WeTest Blog


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1Exploring the Differences Between Web App Testing and Mobile App Testing This article explores the key differences between testing web and mobile applications, taking into account factors such as internet connectivity, user interaction, and capacity limitations.
2Enhancing Mobile Application Quality through Input Data Processing This article explores the significance of input validation and testing in mobile applications, focusing on different input sources such as user inputs, updates, and data feeds.
3Top Considerations Before Choosing Automated Testing In this article, we explore the top 5 factors that should be taken into account before deciding on automated testing.
4Functional Testing Types: A Guide to Comprehensive Software Testing In this blog post, we will dive into the different functional testing types that software testers can execute to ensure a comprehensive and robust testing process.
5Unleashing the Power of Leading Software Testing Tools The utilization of leading software testing tools in the market has been steadily growing as they enhance the detection rate and enable the attainment of superior release quality.