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1Purchase option change notification Effective from September 1, 2024, the following list represents purchase options will be removed.
2What Makes the WeTest PerfDog Unique? With the increasing demand for high-quality apps and better digital experiences, global enterprises are considering investing in effective app testing and improving their apps' user experience.
3Maximizing User Satisfaction: Why Performance Testing Is Critical in Software Development In this article, we will discuss the importance and purpose of performance testing in software development.
4Game Quality Forum Global 2023: WeTest's Winning Strategy for Flawless Gaming Experiences The Global Game Quality Forum 2023 was held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands from June 27th to June 29th. At the forum, Felix AH KANE, Platform Architect of Tencent WeTest, delivered a speech and introduced Tencent WeTest's winning strategy for flawless gaming experiences.
5Imagination and Tencent WeTest carry out in-depth cooperation to help developers obtain key report o WeTest’s PerfDog tool adds more than 80 GPU Counters across all platforms and architectures, providing developers with detailed interpretation on data indicators of PowerVR GPU