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1Explanation: When does the Plan-Do-Check-Adjust cycle occur in Scrum? This article focuses on the question of when does the Plan-Do-Check-Adjust cycle occur in Scrum and why it matters in the software development routine.
2The Importance of Functional Testing in Ensuring Software Quality This article explores the significance of functional testing in software quality and its various contributions to the development process.
3What is Application Performance Management Wondering what is application performance management? If yes, then this post is a basic explanation for you of everything related to this fundamental concept. Read till the end to educate yourself.
4How to Choose Web Accessibility Testing Tools, and How Does the Use of The Web Differ from the Clien Web accessibility testing tools are software applications designed to assess the accessibility of websites for users with disabilities. These tools utilize automated and/or manual testing methods to identify and highlight potential accessibility issues.
5The Advantages of Cloud-Based Test Automation This approach offers several advantages, including staying updated with platform enhancements, constant availability, and support, secure enterprise-grade accessibility, limitless scalability, worldwide reach and efficiency, cost-effectiveness, reliable disaster recover.