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1A Comprehensive Guide to Android Application Security Testing for Developers and Testers What are the security vulnerabilities in the Android ecosystem? Where can we explore new Android security testing techniques? How can we streamline the security testing process?
2Why a Professional Software Test Plan is Important in SLDC? What is a software test plan? Why it is needed? and what are its direct advantages in the current software development practices? This article explores all these points in detail.
3Advantages of Test Automation Automated testing is an effective risk mitigation strategy that helps businesses identify and fix issues in a timely manner, which reduces the likelihood of these issues causing problems or creating negative impacts when software goes live.
4Imagination and Tencent WeTest carry out in-depth cooperation to help developers obtain key report o WeTest’s PerfDog tool adds more than 80 GPU Counters across all platforms and architectures, providing developers with detailed interpretation on data indicators of PowerVR GPU
5The Importance of Performance Testing in Software Development In this article, we will delve into the definition of performance testing, its differences from functional testing, the types of performance testing, and how to conduct it effectively in collaboration with other teams and departments.