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1What can PerfDog do Recently, WeTest international community launched a global discussion on "performance testing tools", many KOLs said PerfDog is the best testing tool they've ever used.
2Explaining the Curious Case of "App Integrity Cannot be Verified" If your app integrity cannot be verified and want to learn the basics of why it happens then this article is for you.
3Which describe the Benefits of Automation in the Software Industry The keywords “which describe the benefits of automation” are trending nowadays and this article examines why it is like that and how we can get the answer.
4What is Automation Framework: Comprehensive Understanding of Automation Frameworks What is a testing framework? A framework is a set of guidelines and an architecture that, when followed, can produce beneficial results.
5Ensuring Mobile App Security: A Checklist for Robust Protection Time plays a critical role in the modern mobile industry, and developers often rush to create apps, leading them to ignore critical security measures. To address this issue, we have devised a brief checklist for use when building mobile applications.