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1What is The Difference Between Localization and Globalization Testing Understanding the difference between localization and globalization testing is very important for developers. Are you looking to expand your product to a global audience? Localization and globalization testing will help you make your product accessible and appealing to users around the world.
2How to Improve iOS Review Pass Rate This article will share some real-life cases from Tencent's pre-review project.
3What is No Code Automation | Benefits and Examples What is no code automation and why it is becoming popular? this blog post explores all the concepts related to it.
4Differences Between Manual and Automation Testing Both Manual and Automation Testing have pros and cons, and choosing between these two depends on the project requirements, time and so on. After you read these differences between manual and automation testing, which one do you prefer? Manual Testing or Automation Testing?
5PerfDog EVO v10.0 Shatters the Barriers of Game and App Performance Testing In PerfDog EVO v10.0 version, we have made significant optimizations from three perspectives to meet users’ performance testing requirements in different scenarios.