Project Settings
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Project Settings

Updated on: 2024-12-26 11:51

1. Editing Project

  On the Setting>Project page, you can edit the basic project information.
  Click the button below to confirm the change.

2. Managing Project Members

   On the Setting>Member page, you can edit the basic project information. You can add project members, delete members and edit member roles and permissions

  • Invite members
    Click on the Invite Members button to go to the page and enter the name of the member to add.
  • Delete a member
    Click on the drop down box button on the right and select Delete to remove the project member.
  • Edit the role of member
    Click on Edit Role on the right to change the member role in the pop-up window.

3. Managing Role Permissions

  On the Setting>Permissions page, you can edit the basic project information. You can edit the project member permissions by ticking the items and selecting the permissions that ordinary members have.
  Different member roles have different permission ranges, and the default permissions are shown in the table below. Administrators can reset members’ permissions according to project needs.

Category column2 Owner (Admin) Member (Member) Visitor(Public Project)
Project Management Pull Project Token Y N N
Editing Project Y N N
Get a list of project members (with member information) Y Y N
Invited Member Y N N
Remove Member Y N N
Change person role (owner<->member) Y N N
Task Delete task Y N N
View task Y Y N
Execution of task Y Y N
Test case Create/Edit test case Library Y Y N
View test case Library Y Y N
Delete test case library Y Y N
Device Device Registration Y Y N
Device Removal Y Y N
Device Configuration Y Y N
Get a list of devices (with device information) Y Y Y
Tag Create Tag Y Y N
Delete Tag Y N N
Testing Start remote debugging Y Y N
Turn on the device in debugging Y N N
End test Y Y N
View Test Report Y Y Y
Application Management Upload Application Y Y N
Delete Application Y N N
View application list (with application information) Y Y Y

(N:Owner can be configured;Y:Not displayed on the configuration page;Y/N:Not configurable)