Add pod ‘CrashSight’ to your Podfile.
Run pod install or pod update.
Import <CrashSight/CrashSight.h>
Download CrashSight SDK (Download is unavailable due to an ongoing internal review. To download it, please contact WeTest@wetest.net).
Add iOS SDK Dependencies
Import header file
#import <CrashSight/CrashSight.h>
in the project’s AppDelegate.m file (If it is a Swift project, import the file in bridging-header.h)
Initialization: Initialize in the
method of the project’s AppDelegate.m file
CrashSightConfig* config = [[CrashSightConfig alloc] init];
// Customize the domain name for reporting (optional)
config.crashServerUrl = @"http://xxxx";
config.appId = @"appId";
[CrashSight startWithAppId:appid config:config];
Domain name for reporting
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url "https://mirrors.tencent.com/nexus/repository/maven-public"
b. Add dependencies to the build.gradle module:
dependencies {
implementation 'net.crashsight:crashsight-android:latest.release'
Download CrashSight SDK (Download is unavailable due to an ongoing internal review. To download it, please contact WeTest@wetest.net).
When integrating CrashSight shared libraries, please only keep shared libraries with supported architecture.
Eclipse Project
Copy the CrashSight library file to the project’s libs directory.
Refresh the project.
Add project dependency: Right-click the JAR file of CrashSight and add it to compilation path.
Android Studio Project
android {
sourceSets {
main.jniLibs.srcDirs = ['libs']
To improve readability of APP Crash stack, it’s recommended to configure symbol table file to better locate issues:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
Note: If you are going to release the app on Google Play Store, you need to block or remove the READ_PHONE_STATE permission, or the app may be removed from the store.
-dontwarn com.uqm.crashsight.**
-keep public class com.uqm.crashsight.**{*;}
Obtain APP ID and copy the following code to onCreate() of the project’s Application class. CrashSight will automatically detect the environment and finish configurations: (To ensure accuracy of operation data, please don’t initialize CrashSight in a asynchronous thread).
// Set reporting address
CrashReport.initCrashReport(getApplicationContext(), "注册时申请的APPID", false);
The third parameter is the switch of SDK debugging mode. Features of the debugging mode’s operation include:
You’re recommended to set it as true during tests, and as false upon release.
Reporting Address
If MultiDex is used, it’s recommended to put CrashSight’s class into the main Dex through Gradle’s “multiDexKeepFile” config or other means. In addition, you’re recommended to manually load sub-Dex in the “attachBaseContext” method of Application class.
public class MyApplication extends SomeOtherApplication {
protected void attachBaseContext(Context base) {
Now you can cause a crash (triggering it with “keys” is recommended) to see CrashSight’s capabilities. After initializing CrashSight, call CrashSight to test the Java Crash interface.
When executing this code, a crash will happen. The output of Logcat’s TAG=CrashSightReport is:
Now you can see the Crash issue just triggered on the “Crash” page (usually delayed by no more than 10s). If the project contains a Native project or uses code obfuscation, you’re recommended to configure a symbol table file.
CrashSight Android SDK 4.2.12 and above versions offer Javascript exception detection and reporting features for developers to detect Javascript exceptions occurring in WebView.
* Set Javascript exception monitoring
* @param webView: specify the webView to monitor
* @param autoInject: whether to inject crashsight.js file automatically
* @return true: successfully set; false: failed to set
CrashReport.setJavascriptMonitor(WebView webView, boolean autoInject)
If non-standard Android WebView is used (such as one with a X5 core), it needs to be used like below:
CrashReport.WebViewInterface webView = new CrashReport.WebViewInterface() {
* Obtain WebView URL.
* @return WebView URL
public String getUrl() {
// The following is for demonstration only. Please use real logics in real-life scenarios
return <third-party WebView object>.getUrl();
* Activate JavaScript.
* @param flag true means activated; false means deactivated
public void setJavaScriptEnabled(boolean flag) {
// The following is for demonstration only. Please use real logics in real-life scenarios
WebSettings webSettings = <third-party WebView object>.getSettings();
* Load URL.
* @param url URL to be loaded
public void loadUrl(String url) {
// The following is for demonstration only. Please use real logics in real-life scenarios
<third-party WebView object>.loadUrl();
* Add JavaScript interface object.
* @param jsInterface JavaScript interface object
* @param name JavaScript interface object name
public void addJavascriptInterface(H5JavaScriptInterface jsInterface, String name) {
// The following is for demonstration only. Please use real logics in real-life scenarios
<third-party WebView object>.addJavascriptInterface(jsInterface, name);
* Obtain content description of WebView.
* @return Content description of WebView.
public CharSequence getContentDescription() {
// The following is for demonstration only. Please use real logics in real-life scenarios
return <third-party WebView object>.getContentDescription();
// Just import the WebView interface object created when calling CrashSight to set the JS exception detection interface
CrashReport.setJavascriptMonitor(webView, true);
WebView webView = new WebView(this);
// Set WebChromeClient
webView.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient() {
public void onProgressChanged(WebView webView, int progress) {
// Add Javascript exception monitoring
CrashReport.setJavascriptMonitor(webView, true);
super.onProgressChanged(webView, progress);
// Load HTML
<script src="crashsight.js" ></script>
After WebView has loaded the HTML, configure Javascript’s exception detection feature:
WebView webView = new WebView(this);
// Load HTML
// Add Javascript exception monitoring
CrashReport.setJavascriptMonitor(webView, false);
After CrashSight Android SDK has detected a Javascript exception, the following info will be reported by default:
public static void postException(int category, String errorType, String errorMsg, String stack, Map<String, String> extraInfo)
Note: Active reporting of error info
Parameter | Type | Note |
category | int | Exception type, C#: 4, js: 5, lua: 6 (For Java error reporting, you can use 4) |
errorType | String | Exception Name |
errorMsg | String | Exception Info |
stack | String | Stack |
extraInfo | Map<String, String> | Other Info |
View page:
extraInfo: Crash Details->Trace Data->extraMessage.txt
public static void setUserId(String userId)
Note: Set User ID
Parameter | Type | Note |
userId | String | UserID |
public static void setUserSceneTag(int tagId)
Note: Mark a Scene
Parameter | Type | Note |
tagId | int | Scene ID |
public static void putUserData(Context context, String key, String value)
Set the Key-Value data customized by the user. It will be reported together with exception info when sending the crash. Each key shouldn’t exceed 100 characters, each value shouldn’t exceed 1000 characters, and the total length (all keys+all values) shouldn’t exceed 64KB.
View page:
Crash Details->Trace Data->valueMapOthers.txt
Parameter | Type | Note |
key | String | Key |
value | String | Value |
import com.uqm.crashsight.crashreport.CrashSightLog;
Verbose level log:
public static void v(String tag, String content)
Debug level log
public static void d(String tag, String content)
info level log
public static void i(String tag, String content)
warn level log
public static void w(String tag, String content)
error level log
public static void e(String tag, String content)
Note: The custom log shouldn’t exceed 30KB.
Parameter | Type | Note |
tag | String | Tag |
content | String | Content |
Note: Set the callback function for crash and error reporting.
View page:
onCrashHandleStart: Crash Details->Trace Data->extraMessage.txt
onCrashHandleStart2GetExtraDatas: Crash Details->Trace Data->userExtraByteData
CrashReport.UserStrategy strategy = new CrashReport.UserStrategy(MainActivity.this);
// Set CrashSight callback
strategy.setCrashHandleCallback(new CrashReport.CrashHandleCallback() {
* Customize the crash callback for info reporting
* @param errorType Error type name
* @param errorMessage Error message
* @param errorStack Error stack
* @return Return extra custom info reporting
public synchronized Map<String, String> onCrashHandleStart(int crashType, String errorType, String errorMessage, String errorStack) {
// Obtain custom info Map of parent class
Map<String, String> userDatas = super.onCrashHandleStart(crashType, errorType, errorMessage, errorStack);
if (userDatas == null) {
userDatas = new HashMap<>();
for (String k : extraMap.keySet()) {
userDatas.put(k, extraMap.get(k));
return userDatas;
* Crash callback of binary info reporting
* @param errorType Error type name
* @param errorMessage Error message
* @param errorStack Error stack
* @return byte[] Report extra binary content
public byte[] onCrashHandleStart2GetExtraDatas(int crashType, String errorType, String errorMessage, String errorStack) {
return "test onCrashHandleStart2GetExtraDatas".getBytes();
CrashReport.initCrashReport(MainActivity.this, appId, true, strategy);
Method:+ (void)startWithAppId:(NSString * CS_NULLABLE)appId
config:(CrashSightConfig * CS_NULLABLE)config;
Parameter | Type | Note |
appid | NSString * | The appid obtained from the CrashSight backend |
development | BOOL | Whether it is a development device |
config | CrashSightConfig * | See CrashSightConfig.h header file for details |
Method:+ (void)setUserIdentifier:(NSString *)userId;
Parameter | Type | Note |
userId | NSString * | User ID |
Method:+ (void)updateAppVersion:(NSString *)version;
Parameter | Type | Note |
version | NSString * | App Version |
Note: Set the Key-Value data customized by the user. It will be reported together with exception info when sending the crash. Each key shouldn’t exceed 100 characters, each value shouldn’t exceed 1000 characters, and the total length (all keys+all values) shouldn’t exceed 128KB.
View page: Crash Details->Trace Data->valueMapOthers.txt
Method:+ (void)setUserValue:(NSString *)value
forKey:(NSString *)key;
Parameter | Type | Note |
key | NSString * | Key |
value | NSString * | Value |
Method:+ (void)setUserSceneTag:(NSString *)userSceneTag;
Parameter | Type | Note |
userSceneTag | NSString * | Scene Mark |
Method:+ (void)reportExceptionWithCategory:(NSUInteger)category
name:(NSString *)aName
reason:(NSString *)aReason
callStack:(NSArray *)aStackArray
extraInfo:(NSDictionary *)info
Parameter | Type | Note |
category | NSUInteger | Error type:ocoa=3,CSharp=4,JS=5,Lua=6 |
aName | NSString * | Name |
aReason | NSString * | Error cause |
aStackArray | NSArray * | Stack |
info | NSDictionary * | Additional data |
terminate | BOOL | Whether to quit application process after reporting |
View page:
info: Crash Details->Trace Data->extraMessage.txt
Method:+ (void)initLogger:(CrashSightLogLevel) level consolePrint:(BOOL)printConsole;
Parameter | Type | Note |
level | CrashSightLogLevel | Minimum reporting log level |
printConsole | BOOL | Whether to print at the console |
Note: Shouldn’t exceed 30KB.
Method:+ (void)level:(CrashSightLogLevel) level log:(NSString *)format, ... NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION(2, 3);
Parameter | Type | Note |
level | CrashSightLogLevel | Log level |
format | NSString * | Log format |
… | Variadic parameter |
Proxy property:delegate
Proxy protocol:CrashSightDelegate
Proxy protocol method:- (NSString * CS_NULLABLE)attachmentForException:(NSException * CS_NULLABLE)exception callbackType:(CSCallbackType)callbackType;
Note: The result returned by proxy protocol method will be reported along with the exception View page: Crash Details->Trace Data->catch_log.txt