Choose the first scene or the main scene, and call the following code in a script loaded as early as possible to initialize:
// TODO NOT Required. Enable debug log print, please set false for release version
// Debug switch. In the debugging mode, more logs will be printed to locate issues.
CrashSightAgent.ConfigDebugMode (true);
CrashSightAgent.ConfigDebugMode (false);
// Set the target domain name to report to. Please fill in according to project requirements. (required)
// Set the target APP ID for reporting and initialize. You can find the APP ID from More->Product Settings->Product Info of the management console.
// TODO Required. If you do not need call 'InitWithAppId(string)' to initialize the sdk(may be you has initialized the sdk it associated Android or iOS project),
// please call this method to enable c# exception handler only.
CrashSightAgent.EnableExceptionHandler ();
Domain name for reporting
Domestic public cloud:
Overseas public cloud
Change permission settings in the AndroidManifest.xml configuration file of the Android project.
<!-- network communication-->
<uses-permission android:name= "android.permission.INTERNET" />
<!-- obtain network status-->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<!-- obtain MAC address-->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"/>
private const string CrashSightAppIDForiOS = "685a68759e";
private const string CrashSightAppIDForAndroid = "e6af377f84";
private const string CrashSightUploadUrliOS = "https://ios.crashsight.qq.com/pb/sync";
private const string CrashSightUploadUrlAndroid = "https://android.crashsight.qq.com/pb/async";
CrashSightAgent.ConfigDebugMode (true);
CrashSightAgent.EnableExceptionHandler ();
CrashSight Test Interface
Test Java crash
static void TestJavaCrash();
Test Object-C crash
static void TestOcCrash();
Test Native crash
static void TestNativeCrash();
The above is an introduction to SDK Integration, crash reporting and verifying, but to see readable restored stacks on the page, you need to upload the corresponding symbol table. Please see Symbol Table Uploading Tools Guide
Download Plugin open in new window (Download is unavailable due to an ongoing internal review. To download it, please contact WeTest@wetest.net), double-click the .unitypackage file in the plugin bundle, import files related to Plugins to the Unity project. (If a plugin bundle of an earlier version is in use, make sure to delete its files).
Refer to CrashSight’s SDK Integration in mobile devices. Complete the initialization for iOS and Android in the native layer.
Due to compatibility issues of Unity 5 and later versions, after initializing in the native layer, a re-registration using C# is required for Android. iOS doesn’t require it at present. Re-registration function: CrashSightAgent.ReRegistAllMonitors(); Execute this function as early as possible in the C# layer script.
If the project wants to report Unity Log Error to CrashSight as an error, the feature can be enabled by calling CrashSightAgent.EnableExceptionHandler(); note that the triggering frequency of Unity Log Error in the project should be kept low after enabling the feature.
If the project wants some content to be added into the report in case of a crash/an error, it can be added by processing callbacks. Note that:
public static void InitWithAppId (string appId)
Note: Execute initialization. Initialize as early as possible to enable crash detection and reporting features.
Parameter | Type | Note |
appId | string | APP ID of registered projects |
public static void ConfigDebugMode (bool enable)
Note: Whether to enable debugging mode. Off by default. After enabling, some logs will be printed, but it can help locate issues during tests.
Note: Call it before the InitWithAppId interface.
Parameter | Type | Note |
enable | bool | Enabling switch for debugging |
`public static void ConfigCrashServerUrl (string crashServerUrl)`
Note: Set domain name for reporting.
Note: Call it before the InitWithAppId interface.
The domain name of domestic public environment is as follows:
A direct CrashSight domain name Integration is different from an indirect one using MSDK. Make sure you follow the above domain name to reconfigure. For other environment domain name, please consult the Integration contact.
Parameter | Type | Note |
crashServerUrl | string | Target domain name of reporting |
public static void ConfigCrashReporter(int type, int logLevel)
Note: Set log reporting level
Note: Call it before the InitWithAppId interface.
Parameter | Type | Note |
type | int | Ignore it. Just enter 0. |
logLevel | int | Off=0,Error=1,Warn=2,Info=3,Debug=4 |
public static void SetDeviceId(string deviceId)
Note: Starting from version 4.2.9, CrashSight Android no longer obtains AndroidId, and uses uuid as device ID by default
Note: Call it before the InitWithAppId interface.
Parameter | Type | Note |
deviceId | string | Device ID |
public static void SetDeviceModel(string deviceModel)
Note: Set phone model
Note: Call it before the InitWithAppId interface.
Parameter | Type | Note |
deviceModel | string | Phone model |
public static void EnableExceptionHandler ()
Note: Enables C# exception reporting and LogError logs. If you didn’t call the “InitWithAppId(string)” interface in C# to initialize, you can call this interface separately.
public static void ReportException (System.Exception e, string message)
Note: Active C# exception reporting
Parameter | Type | Note |
e | System.Exception | C# exception |
message | string | Exception Info |
public static void ReportException(int type, string exceptionName, string exceptionMsg, string exceptionStack, Dictionary<string, string> extInfo)
Note: Active C# error reporting
Parameter | Type | Note |
type | int | Exception type, C#: 4, js: 5, lua: 6 |
exceptionName | string | Exception Name |
exceptionMsg | string | Exception Info |
exceptionStack | string | Stack |
extInfo | Dictionary<string, string> | Other Info |
View page:
extInfo: Crash Details->Trace Data->extraMessage.txt
public static void ReportException(int type, string exceptionName, string exceptionMsg, string exceptionStack, Dictionary<string, string> extInfo, bool isDumpNativeStack)
Note: Active C# error reporting
Parameter | Type | Note |
type | int | Exception type, C#: 4, js: 5, lua: 6 |
exceptionName | string | Exception Name |
exceptionMsg | string | Exception Info |
exceptionStack | string | Stack |
extInfo | Dictionary<string, string> | Other Info |
isDumpNativeStack | bool | whether to dump the Native stack of the current thread |
View page:
extInfo: Crash Details->Trace Data->extraMessage.txt
Native stack: Crash Details->Trace Data->trace.zip
Other: time used to report the error
Android | iOS | |||
Attachment size | Dump stack | Do not dump stack | Dump stack | Do not dump stack |
100K | [0.207000]s | [0.001554]s | [0.114835]s | [0.001172]s |
10K | [0.204285]s | [0.000223]s | [0.107594]s | [0.000382]s |
1K | [0.140075]s | [0.000151]s | [0.105755]s | [0.000365]s |
public static void SetUserId(string userId)
Note: Set User ID
Parameter | Type | Note |
userId | string | User ID |
public static void SetScene(int sceneId)
Parameter | Type | Note |
sceneId | int | Scene ID |
public static void AddSceneData(string key, string value)
Note: Set the Key-Value data customized by the user. It will be reported together with exception info when sending the crash. Each key shouldn’t exceed 100 characters, each value shouldn’t exceed 1000 characters, and the total length (all keys+all values) shouldn’t exceed 64KB for Android, 128KB for iOS.
View page: Crash Details->Trace Data->valueMapOthers.txt
Parameter | Type | Note |
key | string | Key |
value | string | Value |
public static void SetAppVersion(string appVersion)
Note: Set app version
Parameter | Type | Note |
appVersion | string | Version Number |
public static void PrintLog(CSLogSeverity level, string format, params object[] args)
Note: The custom log shouldn’t exceed 30KB.
Parameter | Type | Note |
level | CSLogSeverity | Log level |
format | string | Log format |
args | params object[] | Variadic parameter |
public static void ReRegistAllMonitors()
Note: Re-register the signal capture function
public static void RegisterCrashCallback(CrashSightCallback callback)
Note: called in case of a crash. The returned value will be reported along with crash info. Customize the CsCrashCallBack class, inherit CrashSightCallback, and use the OnCrashBaseRetEvent method
public class CsCrashCallBack: CrashSightCallback {
// Put you own code to implemente the callback func
public override string OnCrashBaseRetEvent(int methodId)
return "this is extra message.";
return "";
The callback content for Android is on the “Crash Analysis-Trace Data-extraMessage.txt” page. The callback content for iOS is on the “Crash Analysis-Trace Data-crash_attach.log” page.
public static void RegisterCrashLogCallback(CrashSightLogCallback callback);
Note: Called after handling a crash. Customize the CsCrashLogCallback class, inherit CrashSightLogCallback, and use OnSetLogPathEvent and OnLogUploadResultEvent methods
public class CsCrashLogCallBack : CrashSightLogCallback
// Returns the log file's absolute path
// methodId Method ID. The business can ignore it
// crashType Crash type, 0: Java/Objective-C crash, 2: native crash
public override string OnSetLogPathEvent(int methodId, int crashType)
return "";
// Shows the result of log file uploading
// methodId Method ID. The business can ignore it
// result Result of uploading 0: successful, other: failed
public override void OnLogUploadResultEvent(int methodId, int crashType, int result)
The callback content for Android is on the “Crash Analysis-Trace Data-Client Uploading Log” page. The callback content for iOS is on the “Crash Analysis-Trace Data-Client Uploading Log” page.
Delayed C# layer initialization and registration of the signal handling function may render the detection of previous crashes unavailable. Therefore, it’s recommended to initialize and register signal early.
Import header file
import com.uqm.crashsight.core.api.CrashSightPlatform;
import com.uqm.crashsight.core.api.crash.UQMCrash;
import com.uqm.crashsight.core.tools.NDKHelper;
import com.uqm.crashsight.core.tools.UQMLog;
import com.uqm.crashsight.crashreport.CrashReport;
import com.uqm.crashsight.crashreport.CrashSightLog;
Call the interface initializing function init with the onCreate
init("https://android.crashsight.qq.com/pb/async", "39bdeb63a2", true);
How to use the init function:
public void init(String mCrashUploadServerUrl, String appId, boolean mDebugMode) {
if (mCrashUploadServerUrl != null) {
Context context = CrashSightPlatform.getActivity();
if (context != null) {
if (NDKHelper.loadSO()) {
UQMLog.e("CrashSightCore.so is loaded successfully");
} else {
UQMLog.e("CrashSightCore.so is loaded failed");
} else {
UQMLog.e("CrashSight platform get activity failed.");
// Configure user strategies
CrashReport.UserStrategy strategy = new CrashReport.UserStrategy(context);
// Set callbacks (For the C# layer, the interface for setting the callback function should be called)
strategy.setCrashHandleCallback(new CrashReport.CrashHandleCallback() {
public synchronized Map<String, String> onCrashHandleStart(int crashType, String errorType, String errorMessage, String errorStack) {
// Obtain custom info Map of parent class
Map<String, String> userData = super.onCrashHandleStart(crashType, errorType, errorMessage, errorStack);
if (userData == null) {
userData = new HashMap<>();
// Call the callback function set by the user and obtain extra info reported by Crash
try {
String extraMessage = UQMCrash.attachmentMessageForException(crashType);
if (extraMessage.length() > 0) {
UQMLog.d("CrashSight extra message report ok, message : " + extraMessage);
userData.put("extmsg", extraMessage);
} else {
UQMLog.d("CrashSight extra message is empty");
} catch (Exception e) {
UQMLog.e("onCrashHandleStart extra message report error, message : " + e.getMessage());
return userData;
public byte[] onCrashHandleStart2GetExtraDatas(int crashType, String errorType, String errorMessage, String errorStack) {
try {
// Call the callback function set by the user and obtain extra info reported by Crash
byte[] extraBinaryMessage = UQMCrash.attachmentForException(crashType);
if (extraBinaryMessage != null && extraBinaryMessage.length > 0) {
UQMLog.d("CrashSight extraBinaryMessage data report ok");
return extraBinaryMessage;
} else {
UQMLog.d("CrashSight extraBinaryMessage data is empty");
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
UQMLog.e("onCrashHandleStart2GetExtraData exception, message : " + e.getMessage());
return null;
// Initialize CS
CrashReport.initCrashReport(context, appId, mDebugMode, strategy);
Import header file
#import <CrashSight/CrashSight.h>
#import <CrashSight/CrashSightConfig.h>
#import <CrashSightCore/CrashSightCore.h>
Implement protocol
@interface UnityAppController()<CrashSightDelegate>
// Customize the max callback massage length (up to 128KB at present)
// Use namespace
Implement the callback interface in the protocol
* Exception callback function
* @param exception exception Exception info
* @return Info to be added
- (NSString *)attachmentForException:(NSException *)exception callbackType:(CSCallbackType)callbackType{
UQM_LOG_DEBUG("attachmentForException invoked");
// Use a synchronous method to call and obtain additional info of game settings
UQMInnerCrashRet ret;
ret.methodNameID = kUQMMethodNameCrashExtraMessage;
// Assign the space for data storing
// Set the max length
// Set the crash type
ret.crashType = (int) callbackType;
// It's a synchronous method that calls the callback function set by the user and obtains info added by the user, which is essentially ret.data.
UQMInnerObserverHolder<UQMInnerCrashRet>::CommitToTaskQueueBackRet(ret, kUQMMethodNameCrashExtraMessage, "");
if (strlen(ret.data) == 0) {
return nil;
UQM_LOG_DEBUG("attachmentForException message : %s", ret.data);
return [NSString stringWithUTF8String:ret.data];
Initialize viadidFinishLaunchingWithOptions
// Initialize CrashSight
// Obtain CrashSight configurations and initialize
CrashSightConfig * config = [[CrashSightConfig alloc] init];
config.unexpectedTerminatingDetectionEnable = YES;
config.debugMode = true;
config.reportLogLevel = CrashSightLogLevelVerbose;
config.crashServerUrl = @"https://ios.crashsight.qq.com/pb/sync";
config.delegate = self;
[CrashSight startWithAppId:@"1f29ad1a5a" config:config];
UQM_LOG_DEBUG("CrashSight appid :%s , version :%s","1f29ad1a5a", [CrashSight sdkVersion].UTF8String);