Mini Program Security Reinforcement

Mini Program Security Reinforcement

Mini program reinforcement uses HTML and JavaScript encryption services to implement multiple protection measures such as anti-debugging, anti-reverse engineering, and code obfuscation, making it more difficult for attackers to analyze the logic of the mini program codes, thereby protecting the security of the mini program.

Technical Architecture


Product Advantages


Rich reinforcement item support

WeTest provides 15+ reinforcement items and is constantly expanding the reinforcement projects to provide more secure reinforcement capabilities for mini programs from different perspectives such as code virtualization and algorithm encryption to ensure the security of mini programs.


Flexible selection of reinforcement levels

WeTest supports 5 levels of reinforcement. You can customize the reinforcement level according to business needs, shield files that do not require reinforcement, and flexibly select specific reinforcement methods for specific files.


Higher reinforcement strength

Through virtualization, WeTest abstracts the code into assembly language and randomly customizes the mapping relationship to enhance security protection; at the same time, it uses Storage storage encryption, disables the code Console, etc. to make key codes more difficult to crack.


Reinforced support for multi-platform mini programs

The WeTest mini program is reinforced to support common framework mini programs in various forms and different platforms, and supports mini programs developed by mpvue, uniapp, taro cross-platform frameworks, as well as H5 and public accounts.


Convenient optional reinforcement operation

WeTest supports users to perform one-click reinforcement directly on the SaaS platform page, local reinforcement policy configuration with command line tools, and privatized deployment of visual pages to meet customers' different levels of convenient operation and security needs.


Excellent performance compatibility

After using WeTest to strengthen the product, the mini program volume expansion rate & page loading time are both small; there is almost no impact on application performance, and the platform compatibility is high.

Applicable Scenarios

  • WeTest
    Prevent data leakage
    Mini programs store key data such as users' privacy or transactions, users' mobile phone numbers, ID numbers, addresses, etc. This information may be stolen by hackers.
  • WeTest
    By stealing core code and counterfeiting mini programs, attackers not only seize the market share of the original developer, but may also damage their brand image.
  • WeTest
    Anti vulnerability exploitation
    After the code of the mini program is cracked, attackers can use business logic vulnerabilities to obtain coupons or points, thereby causing unnecessary financial losses.
  • WeTest
    Block viruses, ads, and malware
    Attackers can insert harmful content into mini-programs after gaining access to their front-end code, disrupting functions, annoying users, and harming experience.

Which Level of Reinforcement Suits You?

WeTest suggests tailored reinforcement levels based on past experiences, suitable for various mini programs like displays, tools, government inquiries, info queries, retail payments, and financial securities.

Customer Case: Five-level security boosts for internet finance mini-program code protection.

Pain Points

Mini programs have a relatively low technical threshold. Despite efforts by major platforms to enhance their inherent security, some business security risks remain. This client found issues like ads, malicious viruses, and payment anomalies during security scans and penetration tests.

Business Results

1. Before hardening, key logic and field names in the code were visible; after hardening, the original code was hidden and obfuscated; 2. Tools like wxappUnpacker/chrome devtool cannot analyze the reinforced code, and beautifiers like JS Beautifier cannot restore the reinforced code. 3. After hardening, the mini program's performance is almost unaffected, with a code bloat rate of only 23%.


More Security Products

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    Mini Program Security Test
    Assist in the security protection and supervision of enterprise mini-programs.
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    Mini Program Penetration Testing
    Conduct hacker simulation attacks on mini-programs to discover more deep-rooted vulnerabilities.
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    UDT: Auto-Testing Device Farm
    A comprehensive mobile testing platform for large-scale automation on a cloud-based device farm.

Frequently Asked Questions about Mini Program Reinforcement

Sensitive data information, core algorithm logic, copyrighted content, etc. need to be protected.

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