Mini Program Penetration Testing

Mini Program Penetration Testing

WeTest expert team conducts both static and dynamic manual penetration testing of mini programs, utilizing hacking techniques and debugging perspectives. This approach allows us to adopt an attacker's mindset to help customers uncover deeper vulnerabilities and provide recommendations for actionable remediations.

Product Features


Service Explanation

  • What is penetration testing?

    Penetration testing is an expert security service for WeTest customers, assessing app security throughout its lifecycle using hacker methods. It evaluates multiple aspects like program, data, business logic, transmission protocol, encryption algorithm, unauthorized access, injection attacks, and interface security to identify potential risks.

  • Difference between Pen Test & Vulnerability Scanning

    Scanning primarily relies on automated tools to cover a broad range of authoritative vulnerability databases, focusing on known vulnerabilities. In contrast, penetration testing emphasizes simulating hacker behavior. WeTest combines manual and automated techniques to conduct an in-depth analysis of each function and component of the mini program, effectively uncovering unknown risks.


Service Details


Service Preparation and Communication

WeTest engages in thorough preliminary technical discussions with customers to customize the scope and methods of penetration testing based on their business needs, ensuring non-intrusive testing. A confidentiality agreement is signed to protect the customer’s business secrets and data security.


Risk Vulnerability Discovery

WeTest's penetration testing employs a multi-faceted approach, utilizing hundreds of tools for penetration testing and vulnerability analysis. By simulating attacks from the perspective of real hackers, the team maximizes the attack surface to identify security risks.


Report Writing

WeTest security experts provide a comprehensive test report detailing identified risk points, types of vulnerabilities, risk ratings, and detection methodologies. The report also includes clear remediation recommendations to facilitate quick resolution of issues.


Report Interpretation

WeTest offers one-on-one report interpretation services, explaining the penetration testing process, discovered vulnerabilities, and specific remediation suggestions to assist customers in swiftly addressing high-risk vulnerabilities.


Regression Testing Verification

After customers have addressed vulnerabilities, WeTest can assist with regression testing to verify the effectiveness of the fixes, ensuring that issues are resolved and providing a secure online environment.

Know More about WeTest Pen Test Service

WeTest supports penetration testing across various product types, including mini programs, mobile applications, and web applications, allowing for flexible combinations of testing services tailored to customer needs.

Core Testing Methods


Service Advantages


Continuously Updated Vulnerability Database

WeTest maintains an extensive and continuously updated database of authoritative security vulnerabilities, actively tracking popular and zero-day vulnerabilities. We also have a well-known attack & defense laboratory, which has won many honors such as CNVD and CNNVD.


Professional Expert Team

WeTest participates in the penetration of many large-scale mobile applications and flexibly selects vulnerability experts based on the scale of the project. WeTest attack and defense experts have rich experience in vulnerability mining in small programs in multiple industries, and have sufficient risk awareness and accumulation of common attack methods for different business systems.


Strict Service Standards

WeTest has formed a strict set of vulnerability definitions and grading standards in its services, and has accumulated 10,000+ penetration test cases with reference to international standards and experience. Strictly implement standardized penetration processes to ensure test results.


Customized Testing Plans

WeTest experts have rich experience in vulnerability mining in small programs from multiple industries. With sufficient risk awareness and know-how of common attack methods for different business systems, WeTest will provide one-on-one penetration testing solutions based on the actual business conditions of customers.


Robust Risk Mitigation Strategies

WeTest will develop adequate risk avoidance strategies to ensure that the testing process is safe, including reasonable testing time arrangements, trying to avoid denial of service tests, preparing complete data backups in advance, developing emergency response plans and communicating with customers at any time.


Total Industries Served


Total Industries Served


Total Penetration Test Cases Conducted


High-Risk Vulnerability Detection Rate per Customer

Expert Pen Test - Insight into Transaction Vulnerabilities of Mini Program

Pain Points

1. Inadequate security skills among in-house tech staff due to lack of industry vulnerability experience, preventing independent system penetration. 2. High expenses for security tools and training as black and grey markets evolve, posing significant time and financial costs for in-house developers. 3. Self-development can create business blind spots, as familiarity with their mini-program system may hinder detection and penetration testing.

Business Results

1. Following a thorough security evaluation by the WeTest penetration testing team, the client's online shopping mini-program was deemed high risk. 2. Eight security risks were identified: 2 high-risk, 5 medium-risk, 1 low-risk, including an exploitable order interface and the ability to bypass front-end restrictions to overload shopping carts. 3. WeTest experts offered tailored solutions for each vulnerability and provided one-on-one video explanations.



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