  • Mobile Automation Testing Demo

    WeTest Automation Testing provides comprehensive mobile app automation tools that effectively identify and address issues across the entire release cycle. We aim to elevate your mobile app testing quality and help you be competitive.

  • WeTest

    Real Device Cloud

    Execute mobile application automation testing on an extensive variety of real iOS and Android devices, such as Apple, Samsung, Pixel, Xiaomi, Huawei, and more. All devices are centrally managed in our Standard IDC Data Center, ensuring stable power and unbreachable security.

  • WeTest

    Development and Operations

    Testing with current Web-UI, Rest API, CI/CD tools, and other automated app testing methods to satisfy a wide range of system interface requirements. After submitting the test task, our platform can automatically push it for mobile automation testing on WeTest Real Device Cloud.

  • WeTest

    Automated Testing Resource Allocation

    WeTest can accelerate your application release cycle by more than 10 times. This is achieved by assigning user test cases to real devices based on the number of devices selected for user testing, set run time-out period and number of parallel session.

  • WeTest

    Comprehensive Automation Test Reports

    WeTest offers detailed test reports. It includes device logs, performance data, network data, screenshots, error stack information, and full testing process playback. To address issues identified in the report, WeTest also supports for using ADB commands.

  • WeTest

    Compatibility Testing

    Ensuring consistent app experience across devices is crucial for meeting user expectations. Android devices are prone to compatibility issues due to diverse hardware and operating systems. WeTest Automation Testing helps debug and discover compatibility issues easily.

  • WeTest

    Functional Testing

    Functional testing involves verifying the functionality of a software application, with the result being either a pass or fail. This process helps determine whether a feature works as designed or not. WeTest Automation Testing can significantly enhance the efficiency and repeatability of functional testing, making it a more streamlined and effective process.

  • WeTest

    Performance Testing

    Neglecting performance testing can lead to negative consequences, including poor customer experience, reputation damage, and lost sales. WeTest Automation Testing provides testers with comprehensive performance data (CPU, FPS, RAM Usage), helping you quickly identify performance issues.

  • WeTest

    Regression Testing

    Regression testing ensures that code changes do not cause any issues. It helps detect and address bugs early in new builds, but it is time-consuming. WeTest Automation Testing eliminates regression testing downtime with test analysis, enabling teams to quickly identify and address testing issues. 

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No matter which products you want to explore or what problem you want to solve, we are delighted to engage in a discussion with you.

WeTest Automation Pricing Plans

    How WeTest Automation Works

    Time taken: 10mins

    Prepare your Android or iOS App. .apk and .ipa extension are supported.


    Prepare and compress your test script. You could follow our sample with different target framework.

    Time taken: 5mins
    Choose App&Script

    Create a project, select an App and Script according to your framework. You can directly use our sample.

    Choose Device

    Choose available devices manually or random devices to run your test.

    Time taken: 10mins

    Click 'Submit' button to run automated test on website.


    Use our powerful REST API to submit your test.


    Integration with CI/CD plugins and view the test result on website.

    Time taken: 30minute

    Install the App on target real devices automaticlly.

    Test Run

    Running the test script on target devices.

    Device Clean

    Target devices will have a cleanup phase after each test run.

    Time taken: 5minute

    All of your test reports in one view.

    Case Detail

    View the test case success ratio and detail on target devices.

    Device Session

    View the details of target devices.(Log, Video Recording, ScreenShot)

    • WeTest

      Device Maintenance

      WeTest provides high-standard server rooms and cabinets that boast 99.9% stability and dedicated broadband support. We guarantee stable power supply, consistent temperature and humidity, equipment operation and maintenance.

    • WeTest

      Integrate with Testing Framework

      WeTest supports for major native mobile testing frameworks. Easily integrate with WeTest using Appium, Airtest, Espresso,  GameLoop and WeTest Monkey. Once the test cases are uploaded, WeTest will automatically parse them.

    • WeTest

      Features of WeTest Enterprise

      WeTest provides private cloud solutions which ensures confidentiality and real-time responsiveness. You can make special configurations and deployments of devices, including configuration of pre-installed apps, whether to uninstall apps, whether to automatically pull up apps and other customisations.

    • WeTest

      Debug and Fix Issues Promptly

      Easily upload local test apps and scripts to help developers quickly discover different types of issues, such as installation failure, startup failure, crash, apk anomaly, and more. WeTest supports for connecting cloud devices to your local machine, making it convenient for local debugging.

    • WeTest

      Unbreakable Security

      All data is securely stored on our servers. After automated mobile app testing, the devices will perform an automated cleansing process that eliminates your installed applications and purges usage data.

    • WeTest

      Powerful REST API

      WeTest provides a robust and user-friendly API that enables seamless management of mobile automation testing. Our Rest API allows you to effortlessly access our device farm, test runs, test results, and schedule tests to integrate with your CI/CD pipeline.

    Customer Success

    "By utilizing WeTest's testing service, we were able to acquire comprehensive information including problem descriptions, recurrence steps, and screenshots. It has enhanced our test efficiency by 40% and significantly reduced our testing cycle time."

    Anna Kuznetsova,Global Technology Director


    • Can anyone have access to my data while using your mobile testing tools?

      WeTest Automation offers a mobile testing tool that adheres to the privacy policy. We promise that no other user can have access to your data. This is why we have a clean up phase after each test. We will uninstall all user apps and delete data. Finally, we will check whether the clean-up was successful and block the device for other users when we find your data has not been removed properly.

    • Is there a limit on how many tests I can run with a free-trial account? Can I run tests in parallel?

    • How many devices can I use during Free Trial?

    • It prompts that the file path does not exist when the script is run in the cloud

    • Does the upload.dir directory need to be created by the script?

    • Is your solution strictly for testing mobile apps, or is it also possible to use it for testing mobi.

    • My test run has failed on most devices. Why?

    • Can I use my own Google accounts on WeTest devices?

    Also Popular
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      Live Testing
      Instant access to a wide range of iOS and Android Real Devices.
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      Full Mobile Platform Performance Test Analysis Tool
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    Our services save developers energy, time, and cost in producing high-quality games.
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