Remote Debugging
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Remote Debugging

Updated on: 2024-12-26 11:51

(1)Start Remote Debugging

   After choosing the project, you can click Live Testing>Remote Debugging to start Remote Debugging.

Step 1: Choose Device

   Device is mainly divided into the following categories:
   1. Local device: You can connect your local device to the UDT platform through the [UDT-Desktop] client tool.
   2. Private cloud devices: Support the establishment of a WeTest private cloud equipment pool for you. This equipment pool is exclusive to you and your team for remote debugging and automation. If you need more information about Private Cloud, please contact us.
   3. Trial devices: We provide available Trial devices for free with a 30-day trial. If you need trial devices to test, please contact us.
You can choose devices and click the start button on the right to enter the debugging page of the device.

Step 2: Debugging

   The remote debugging page contains the remote screen of the device and various debugging tools. You can operate the device on the web at any time.

2.1 Application Tab

  • Upload application

   If the application to be debugged has not been uploaded, click on “Upload App” to upload it.
   Enter the [application] tab, click “Upload App” to upload the file.

  • Install the application

   If the application is already in the list of uploaded applications, click the “Install” button to install the app.
   When the app is installed, it supports displaying the upload speed and upload progress; it also supports reinstalling and unstalling the app.
   During the installation process, you can cancel the installation by clicking the Cancel on the right.

  • Uninstall the application

   After debugging the app, if you need to uninstall the app, you can click the uninstall button to uninstall the app from your phone.

2.2 Screenshoot Tab

   Support for taking a screenshot and downloading all the screenshoots.

2.3 Real Time Log Tab

   You can enable real-time logging for this device and download log files.
   Support for filtering logs and setting the maximum number of lines for terminal caching.
   You can filter the log levels and enter keywords to search.
   Click on the Export Download button to download the log locally.

2.4 Remote Debugging Tab

   WDB(WeTest Debug Bridge) is a tool that let your local computer to connect to the remote cloud device for conveniently debugging the device locally. Please follow the instructions below to start remote debugging.


   (1)Download the wdb tool,copy command to terminal and run the command to connect to the UDT iOS device.
You can use tools on Windows to debug the iOS remote device now.You can use tools on Windows to debug the remote device now.
   (2)Use ./wdb devices to see the devices you have connected.
   (3)After finishing your remote debugging, use ./wdb disconnect to disconnect with devices.


   (1)Download the wdb tool, copy command to terminal and run the command to connect to the UDT iOS device.
   (2)If the port is already in use, you can use wdb -p start-server to change the port.
   (3)Use ./wdb devices to see the devices you have connected. You can use tools on MacOS
to debug the remote device now.
   (4)After finishing your remote debugging, use ./wdb disconnect to disconnect with devices.


   (1)Open a real device in Live Testing.
   (2)Download the wdb tool,copy command to terminal and Run the command to connect to the UDT iOS device.
   (3)Use ./wdb devices to see the devices you have connected. You can use tools on Linux to debug the iOS remote device now.
   (4)After finishing your remote debugging, use ./wdb disconnect to disconnect with devices

2.5 File Tab

   You can browse mobile files here through the right interface, which allows you to perform file uploads, file downloads, folder creation, and more.

  • Switch view

   Click the icon to switch the file display style.

  • Download the file

   Select the file, click on the Download icon and choose the format you want to download.
Note: Due to limitations in the Android system, some files cannot be downloaded. Generally, files in the /sdcard directory can be downloaded.

  • View file information

   Select the file and click on the icon to view the file information.

  • Select multiple files

   Click the multi-select icon to enter multi-select mode and then select multiple files to download.

  • Folders/files

   Android: Due to limitations of the Android system, you can only create files or folders under the /sdcard and /data/local/tmp paths.
  ** iOS**: Support creating files or folders in the paths /afc, apps/bundle_id/Documents.

  • Due to iOS system limitations, only APPs with the UIFileSharingEnabled option turned on will be in the /apps directory, otherwise not. Please check for details.
  • The bundle_id in “apps/bundle_id/Documents” is not a fixed path address, but refers to the App ID corresponding to the application. Each application has an App ID, which is the unique identifier of each iOS application. Applying for an ios certificate, packaging ipa, and creating an app in itunesconnect all require an App ID. The entire App listing process is linked to this App ID. For example, the App ID used for testing is com.epicgames.ActionRPG, and the operable path address is apps/com.epicgames.ActionRPG/Documents.
    Create folders:
      Click on the New Folder icon and enter a folder name to complete the creation.
    Create files:
      Click on the Nwe File icon, enter the file name and finish creating it.
      Click on the upload icon, select the type and then select local files or folders to upload to the device.
  • Rename
      Click the file and then click the rename button.
  • Copy
      Click the file and then click the copy file button.
  • Move
      Click the file and then click the move file button.
  • Delete
      Click the file and then click the delete file button.

2.6 Terminal (Android) Tab

  You can enter the relevant operation commands below.

2.7 Toolbox

  • Keyboard Input
      Tap the keyboard icon on the right side of the phone screen, you can use the keyboard to enter content in the input box.
    **Note:**Some models do not support keyboard input,such as Samsung.
  • View debugging details
      Click on the icon for debugging information.
  • Virtual phone keys
      You can tap the button below to lock the screen, go back, and enter the home page of the device,view the running software, rotate the screen.
  • Full-screen Operation
      Click the icon to operate the phone interface in full screen.
    Press Esc button to exit full screen mode.

Step 3: End Debugging

After testing session, click End Debugging button.

(2)View Test Results

  A test record is generated for each remote commissioning of the device, including test ID, device type, device ID, device brand, model information, commissioner, commissioning time, etc.
  After the test, you can click Remote Debugging>Test Results to see the debug records.