CrashSight Windows SDK
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CrashSight Windows SDK

Updated on: 2023-02-15 19:11

1 SDK Introduction

CrashSight is a crash report SDK which works on Windows.

2 Path Requirement

Files and directory given by CrashSight is listed as follows:

File Name Path Function Introduction
GbSpy64.dll Root Path Collection Crash Information
GameBabyConfig64.dat Root Path Config file for GbSpy64.dll
TQM64 Dir Root Path Upload Crash Information
TQM64/GameBabyConfig64.dat Root Path Config file for TQMCenter.exe


3 Step In Using CrashSight

  1. Get the app id and app key from website (Project Details -> Setting -> Information -> App ID & App Key).

  2. Path given sdk files into required path as “Path Requirement”.

  3. Load “GbSpy64.dll” by Windows sdk function(in Windows.h) “LoadLibrary”(Only work for C++, loading function is different for other programing language).

  4. Declare exported functions, typedef void(*SetTQMConfig)(const char* id, const char* version, const char* key).

  5. Get function address by (SetTQMConfig)GetProcAddress(dll_handle, “SetTQMConfig”).

  6. Call function “SetTQMConfig” to init CrashSight.

  7. Edit GameBabyConfig64.dat especially the app id.

<GameBabyConfig __version="1">
	<GameName>Test-Game.exe</GameName>  <!--Process name-->
	<IgnoreDllCnt>2</IgnoreDllCnt>      <!--Number of ignored Dll.-->
	<IgnoreDlls>TenSLX.dll</IgnoreDlls>   <!--Name of each ignored Dll-->
	<IgnoreDlls>Tensafe.dll</IgnoreDlls>   <!--Name of each ignored Dll-->
	<AppId>0620edc732</AppId>        <!--App Id given by CrashSight website-->
	<DomainUrl></DomainUrl> <!-- Upload URL-->
Server Type Website URL Upload URL(used in config file)
Local Server
International Server
  1. Test whether CrashSight Dll is loaded and crashed is reported to CrashSight server(display on website).


4.1 Initialize CrashSight

Function Definition ``` typedef void(*SetTQMConfig)(const char* id, const char* version, const char* key); ```
Parameter Type Statement
userId const char* User id used to located a user. Default value is “”
version const char* Game version. Default value is “”
key const char* App key like “3edb3c5f-eca4-4033-ba60-59947eb3f397” given by CrashSight website.

4.2 Error Report

Function Definition

typedef void(*reportException)(int type, const char* name, const char* message, const char* stackTrace, const char * extras);

Each parameter is display on CrashSight website as follow picture.
The expName is exception name, and the expMessage is simple statement of exception. (Especially,expName/expMessage should encode by utf-8 within 128 byte.) The stackTrace is the stack about where error happened which should be limited in 2 Mb. The extras is a reserve parameter which should be filled with .

4.3 Set Crash Callback Function

Function Definition

	typedef void(*SetCrashCallback)(CrashCallbackFuncPtr callback);
	SetCrashCallback theCallBack = NULL;
	theCallBack = (SetCrashCallback)GetProcAddress(dllDemo, "SetCrashCallback");

4.4 Callback Function Example

Function Definition

	typedef void(*CrashCallbackFuncPtr)(int type, const char* guid);

The type is the callback type, and only 1 is given now. The guid is a 64 bytes string for identifying each upload. https://{WEBSITE_URL}/crash-reporting/client-report-id/{APP_ID}/{GID}?pid=10

4.5 Single Process Mode(Extra monitor is unable)

Minimum support version 2.0.11

Extra monitor process is not work at single process model.

Function Definition

typedef bool (*MonitorEnable)(bool enable);
MonitorEnable monitor_enable = NULL;
monitor_enable = (MonitorEnable)GetProcAddress(dllDemo, "MonitorEnable");

4.6 Manually Upload Crash

Upload a crash in some situation. For example, upload UE Fatal exception.

Minimum support version 2.0.11

Function Definition

typedef void (*CsReportCrash)();
CsReportCrash cs_report_crash = NULL;
cs_report_crash = (CsReportCrash)GetProcAddress(dllDemo, "CsReportCrash");


4.7 Custom Log File Directory

Edit default log file directory, but only works when use single process mode.

Minimum support version 2.0.11

Function Definition

typedef int (*SetCustomLogDir)(const char* log_path);
SetCustomLogDir theSetCustomLogDir = NULL;
theSetCustomLogDir = (SetCustomLogDir)GetProcAddress(dllDemo, "SetCustomLogDir");

5 Code Sample

C++ Code:

typedef void(*SetTQMConfig)(const char* id, const char* version, const char* key);
typedef void(*reportException)(int type, const char* name, const char* message, const char* stackTrace, const char * extras);
int main()
	// Load dll
	HINSTANCE dllDemo = LoadLibraryA("GbSpy64.dll");
	// Execute initialization
	if (dllDemo)
		SetTQMConfig theSetTQMConfig = NULL;
		theSetTQMConfig = (SetTQMConfig)GetProcAddress(dllDemo, "SetTQMConfig");
		if (theSetTQMConfig != NULL)
			theSetTQMConfig("userid", "version", "key");
	// Upload a custom error
	if (dllDemo)
		reportException theReportException = NULL;
		theReportException = (reportException)GetProcAddress(dllDemo, "reportException");
		if (theReportException != NULL)
			int type = 1;
			theReportException(type, "exp name", "exp message", "stack", "extras");
	return 1;

C# Code:

Function Definition:
static extern void SetTQMConfig([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPUTF8Str)]string userId, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPUTF8Str)]string version, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPUTF8Str)]string key);

static extern void reportException (int type, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPUTF8Str)]string name, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPUTF8Str)]string message, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPUTF8Str)]string stackTrace, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPUTF8Str)]string extras);

Call Function:
SetTQMConfig("userId", "version", "key");
reportException(1, "name", "message","stackTrace", "extras");

6 Appendix

1. Supported exception by CrashSight. [Exception definition by Microsoft](
#define STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION          ((DWORD   )0xC0000005L)    
#define STATUS_IN_PAGE_ERROR             ((DWORD   )0xC0000006L)    
#define STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE            ((DWORD   )0xC0000008L)    
#define STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER         ((DWORD   )0xC000000DL)    
#define STATUS_NO_MEMORY                 ((DWORD   )0xC0000017L)    
#define STATUS_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION       ((DWORD   )0xC000001DL)    
#define STATUS_INVALID_DISPOSITION       ((DWORD   )0xC0000026L)    
#define STATUS_ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED     ((DWORD   )0xC000008CL)    
#define STATUS_FLOAT_DENORMAL_OPERAND    ((DWORD   )0xC000008DL)    
#define STATUS_FLOAT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO      ((DWORD   )0xC000008EL)    
#define STATUS_FLOAT_INEXACT_RESULT      ((DWORD   )0xC000008FL)    
#define STATUS_FLOAT_INVALID_OPERATION   ((DWORD   )0xC0000090L)    
#define STATUS_FLOAT_OVERFLOW            ((DWORD   )0xC0000091L)    
#define STATUS_FLOAT_STACK_CHECK         ((DWORD   )0xC0000092L)    
#define STATUS_FLOAT_UNDERFLOW           ((DWORD   )0xC0000093L)    
#define STATUS_INTEGER_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO    ((DWORD   )0xC0000094L)    
#define STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW          ((DWORD   )0xC0000095L)    
#define STATUS_PRIVILEGED_INSTRUCTION    ((DWORD   )0xC0000096L)    
#define STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW            ((DWORD   )0xC00000FDL)    
#define STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND             ((DWORD   )0xC0000135L)    
#define STATUS_ORDINAL_NOT_FOUND         ((DWORD   )0xC0000138L)    
#define STATUS_ENTRYPOINT_NOT_FOUND      ((DWORD   )0xC0000139L)    
#define STATUS_CONTROL_C_EXIT            ((DWORD   )0xC000013AL)    
#define STATUS_DLL_INIT_FAILED           ((DWORD   )0xC0000142L)    
#define STATUS_FLOAT_MULTIPLE_FAULTS     ((DWORD   )0xC00002B4L)    
#define STATUS_FLOAT_MULTIPLE_TRAPS      ((DWORD   )0xC00002B5L)    
#define STATUS_REG_NAT_CONSUMPTION       ((DWORD   )0xC00002C9L)    
#define STATUS_HEAP_CORRUPTION           ((DWORD   )0xC0000374L)    
#define STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN      ((DWORD   )0xC0000409L)    
#define STATUS_ASSERTION_FAILURE         ((DWORD   )0xC0000420L)    
#define STATUS_ENCLAVE_VIOLATION         ((DWORD   )0xC00004A2L)    
#if defined(STATUS_SUCCESS) || (_WIN32_WINNT > 0x0500) || (_WIN32_FUSION >= 0x0100) 
#define STATUS_SXS_EARLY_DEACTIVATION    ((DWORD   )0xC015000FL)