IP Location
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IP Location

Updated on: 2024-04-01 14:30

You can test the location scenario of mobile applications by simulating IP location on Real Device.
1.Log in to the WeTest Real Device dashboard.
2.Upload and install your application and choose the device from the device listing to start your test session.

3.Click the image.png button,an IP Location window is displayed.
4.In the IP Location window, select the country or state and click Yes to confirm the IP. Then, the IP is set successfully.
You can also enter the Country Code (country code in the following table) or the location to search for the corresponding country or region.
Country code in the following table:

Country Name Country Code
China CN
Japan JP
Indonesia ID

5.By entering “” or similar IP address query tools in search engines, you can see that the country or region of the ip in the page is the same as that in IP Location, indicating that the IP location setting is in effect.

6.In the IP Location window, click the None option and click the Yes button in the prompt, the previous IP address setting will be canceled.
Currently, we support 6 IP locations simulation. If you have more demands ,please contact us.