WeTest CloudTesting Project provides a powerful and useful API for users to manage all aspects of mobile automatic test. With the API, you can access our device farm, test runs, detail results, and integrate to your CI/CD environment.The full API is available here.
Before running the following API in your local terminal or script, you should paste the credentials SecretId:SecretKey in the code, you can obtain them from Account Settings on our website.
Params | Source | Type | Required | Description |
project | query | string | Yes | project id, obtain it from project settings |
name | query | string | Yes | app name with extension(.aab, .apk, .ipa) |
data | form-data | file | Yes | absolute local path of your app file |
"data": {
"fid": string, // app hash id used for submit test
"msg": "string",
"ret": int
curl -u <SecretId>:<SecretKey> --request POST "https://api.paas.wetest.net/cloudtest/v1/platform/upload/storage?project=<project>&name=<name>" --form "data=@/user/demo-app.apk"
Params | Source | Type | Required | Description |
fid | query | string | Yes | app hash id (optional with hash ) |
hash | query | string | Yes | app md5 hash (optional with fid ) |
project | query | string | Yes | project id, obtain it from project settings(share script in project) |
"msg": "string",
"ret": int,
"data": {
"fid": "string", // app hash id
"size": int, // app size (bytes)
"md5": "string", // app md5 hash
"url": "string", // app download url
"name": "string", // app name
"package": "string", // app package
"version": "string", // app version
"icon_url": "string" // icon download url
curl -u <SecretId>:<SecretKey> "https://api.paas.wetest.net/cloudtest/v1/platform/upload/info?fid=<fid>&project=<project>"
Params | Source | Type | Required | Description |
fid | path | string | Yes | App hash id |
"msg": "string",
"ret": int
curl -u <SecretId>:<SecretKey> --request DELETE "https://api.paas.wetest.net/cloudtest/v1/platform/upload/info/<fid>"
Params | Source | Type | Required | Description |
file | form-data | file | Yes | script file |
project | query | string | No | project id, obtain it from project settings(share script in project) |
"script": {
"script_id": int, // script id used for submit test
"size": int, // script size (bytes)
"script_url": "string", // script download url
"msg": "string",
"ret": int
curl -u <SecretId>:<SecretKey> --request POST "https://api.paas.wetest.net/cloudtest/v1/scripts" --form "file=@/user/demo-script.zip"
Params | Source | Type | Required | Description |
script_id | path | string | Yes | Script id |
project | query | string | No | project id, obtain it from project settings(share script in project) |
"script": {
"script_id": int, // script id used for submit test
"user": "string", // upload user id
"size": int, // script size (bytes)
"script_url": "string",// script download url
"project": "string" // script upload project
"msg": "string",
"ret": int
curl -u <SecretId>:<SecretKey> "https://api.paas.wetest.net/cloudtest/v1/scripts/<script_id>"
Params | Source | Type | Required | Description |
script_id | path | string | Yes | Script id |
"msg": "string",
"ret": int
curl -u <SecretId>:<SecretKey> --request DELETE "https://api.paas.wetest.net/cloudtest/v1/scripts/<script_id>"
Description: get device farm list
Input Parameters
Output Parameters
"clouds": [{
"cloud_id": int,
"cloud_name": "string",
"msg": "string",
"ret": int // 0 for success
curl -u <SecretId>:<SecretKey> "https://api.paas.wetest.net/cloudtest/v1/users/clouds"
Params | Source | Type | Required | Description |
cloud_id | path | int | Yes | Device Farm id |
"devices": [{
"cloud_id": int, // Device Farm ID
"cpu_total": int, // device cpu core number
"device_id": int, // device ID
"device_state": "string", // device state
"device_state_code": int, // device state code
"location": "string", // device location
"manufacture": "string", // manufacture
"model": "string", // model name
"model_id": int, // model ID
"ram": int, // ram
"resolution": "string", // resolution
"test_id": int, // current test ID
"version": "string", // system version
"msg": "string",
"ret": int
curl -u <SecretId>:<SecretKey> "https://api.paas.wetest.net/cloudtest/v1/clouds/<cloud_id>/devices"
Description: Get custom model list
Input Parameters
| Params | Source | Type | Required | Description |
| ------------ | ------ | ------ | ---- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| project | query | string | Yes | which project does the model list belong to |
Output Parameters
"count": int, // list count
"data": [{
"id": int, // list ID
"name": "string", // list name
"cloud_name": "string", // device farm name
"device_type": int, // device type 0 for android 1 for ios
"model_count": int, // model or device count in this list
"cloud_id": int, // device farm id
"filter_type": int // saved as device or model dimension. 1 for model list 2 for device list
"msg": "string",
"ret": int
curl -u <SecretId>:<SecretKey> "https://api.paas.wetest.net/cloudtest/v1/model/list?project=<project>"
Params | Source | Type | Required | Description |
project | body | string | Yes | project ID,obtain it from project settings |
app_hash_id | body | string | Yes | Target App ID |
script_id | body | int | No | Target script ID, Whether it is necessary depends on the param “frame_type” |
frame_type | body | string | Yes | - “appium”: script required - “game_loop”: no script required default value is “appium” |
max_test_runtime | body | int | Yes | The time out period of the entire test, The default is 1800 seconds. |
max_device_runtime | body | int | Yes | The time out period of the each device. The default is 600 seconds. |
cloud_id | body | int | Yes | Device farm id. |
device_number | body | int | Yes | Target device quantity |
devices | body | int array | No | Choose device ID or model ID for submit test. Mix device ID and model ID are not allowed. |
device_choose_type | body | string | No | Target device strategy, device ID or model ID. - “deviceids”: choose device group by device ID - “modelids”: choose device group by model ID default value is “deviceids” |
scenarios(Game Loop only) | body | string | No | Game Loop Test only, if you want to run multiple loops (aka scenarios) at a time or select specific loops to run, enter the loop numbers in this “scenarios” param. For example, when you enter “1-3, 5”, Test runs loops 1, 2, 3, and 5. By default (if you don’t enter anything in this param), Test only runs loop 1. |
scenario_labels(Game Loop only) | body | string | No | For Game Loop Test only, you can label your scenarios in your AndroidManifest.xml file |
resign(iOS only) | body | bool | No | iOS only, Whether your ipa need to be re-signed |
"msg": "string",
"ret": int,
"test_info": {
"test_id": int // test ID
curl -u <SecretId>:<SecretKey> --request POST "https://api.paas.wetest.net/cloudtest/v1/tests/automation"
-d '{
"app_hash_id": <app_id>,
"script_id": <script_id>,
"max_test_runtime": 1800,
"device_number": 2,
"project": <project>
Params | Source | Type | Required | Description |
test_id | path | int | Yes | test id, obtain it from report |
"msg": "string",
"ret": int
curl -u <SecretId>:<SecretKey> --request POST "https://api.paas.wetest.net/cloudtest/v1/tests/<test_id>/cancelation"
Params | Source | Type | Required | Description |
test_id | path | int | Yes | test id, you can get it from report |
"msg": "string",
"ret": int,
"test_status": {
"finished": bool, // whether the task is finished
"start_time": "string", // test start time
"end_time": "string", // test end time
"test_id": int, // test ID
"status_code": int, // test status,0 for testing,1 for fnished, 2 for canceled,3 for test timeout
"status":"string" // test status description
curl -u <SecretId>:<SecretKey> "https://api.paas.wetest.net/cloudtest/v1/tests/<test_id>/status"
Params | Source | Type | Required | Description |
test_id | path | int | Yes | test id, you can get it from report |
log | query | bool | No | default is false. whether to return the log |
image | query | bool | No | default is false. whether to return the image url |
error | query | bool | No | default is false. whether to return the error information |
"devices": [{
// test ID
"test_id": int,
// device ID
"device_id": int,
// submit time of device
"start_time": "string",
// start time of device
"device_start_time": "string",
// queuing time of device, the unit is seconds
"wait_time": 0,
// end time of device
"end_time": "string",
// if parameter error is set to true,return error details
"errors": [{
"content": "string",
"description": "string",
"error_time": "string",
"level": "string"
// if parameter image is set to true,return image details
"images": [{
"image_name": "string",
"image_time": "string",
"image_url": "string"
// if parameter log is set to true,return mobile log,script log and video
"mobile_log_url": "string",
"script_log_url": "string",
"test_video_url": "string",
// if test is functional test,reture tested case details on this device
"case_stat": {
"case_total": int, // number of total case
"case_success": int, // number of successful case
"case_fail": int, // number of failed case
"case_timeout": int // number of timeout case
// device detail information
"model": "string",
"version": "string",
// Description of device result. If it is a functional test, you don't need to pay much attention to this information. You should focus on case results.
"result": "string",
// device result code
// 0 for running, 1 for passed, 2 for has compatibility error, 3 for untest(caused by device exception, 4 for timeout, 5 for system canceled, 6 for user canceled
"result_code": 0,
// device process cost
"process_name":"string", // process name means what device is doing
"cost":int, // cost time, unit is seconds
"start_time":"string", // start time of this process
"end_time":"string" // end time of this process
"msg": "string",
"ret": int
curl -u <SecretId>:<SecretKey> "https://api.paas.wetest.net/cloudtest/v1/tests/<test_id>/devices?log=<log>&image=<image>&error=<error>"
Params | Source | Type | Required | Description |
test_id | path | int | Yes | test id, obtain it in report |
device_id | path | int | Yes | device id, obtain it in report |
log | query | bool | No | default is false. Return the log down url |
image | query | bool | No | default is false. Return the screenshoot download url |
error | query | bool | No | default is false. Return the error info |
"device": {
// test ID
"test_id": int,
// device ID
"device_id": int,
// submit time of device
"start_time": "string",
// start time of device
"device_start_time": "string",
// queuing time of device, the unit is seconds
"wait_time": 0,
// end time of device
"end_time": "string",
// if parameter error is set to true,return error details
"errors": [{
"content": "string",
"description": "string",
"error_time": "string",
"level": "string"
// if parameter image is set to true,return image details
"images": [{
"image_name": "string",
"image_time": "string",
"image_url": "string"
// if parameter log is set to true,return mobile log,script log and video
"mobile_log_url": "string",
"script_log_url": "string",
"test_video_url": "string",
// if test is functional test,reture tested case details on this device
"case_stat": {
"case_total": int, // number of total case
"case_success": int, // number of successful case
"case_fail": int, // number of failed case
"case_timeout": int // number of timeout case
// device detail information
"model": "string",
"version": "string",
// Description of device result. If it is a functional test, you don't need to pay much attention to this information. You should focus on case results.
"result": "string",
// device result code
// 0 for running, 1 for passed, 2 for has compatibility error, 3 for untest(caused by device exception, 4 for timeout, 5 for system canceled, 6 for user canceled
"result_code": 0,
// device process cost
"process_name":"string", // process name means what device is doing
"cost":int, // cost time, unit is seconds
"start_time":"string", // start time of this process
"end_time":"string" // end time of this process
"msg": "string",
"ret": int
curl -u <SecretId>:<SecretKey> "https://api.paas.wetest.net/cloudtest/v1/tests/<test_id>/devices/<device_id>?log=<log>&image=<image>&error=<error>"
Params | Source | Type | Required | Description |
test_id | path | int | Yes | test id, obtain it in report |
device_id | path | int | Yes | device id, obtain it in report |
type | query | string | Yes | only support “perf” value now |
"cpu_app": 8.0, // CPU occupancy of tested app
"cpu_total": 13.51, // total CPU occupancy
"fps": int, // FPS
"ios_memory": int, // memory data of iOS app (MB)
"label": "", // Used to mark a piece of performance data
"mem_native_pss": int, // memory data of Android app (MB)
"mem_pss": int, // memory data of Android app (MB)
"net_in": int, // KB/s
"net_out": int, // KB/s
"timestamp": int // unix timestamp
"msg": "string",
"ret": int
curl -u <SecretId>:<SecretKey> "https://api.paas.wetest.net/cloudtest/v1/tests/<test_id>/devices/<device_id>/metrics?type=perf"
Params | Source | Type | Required | Description |
test_id | path | int | Yes | test id, obtain it in report |
"msg": "string",
"ret": int,
"test_result": {
// start time of test
"start_time": "string",
// end time of test
"end_time": "string",
// test frame type
"frame_type_code": int,
// test frame type
"frame_type": "string",
// report url to view details of test result
"report_url": "string",
// test status,0 for testing,1 for finished,2 for canceled,3 for timeout
"status_code": int,
// test status description
"test_id": int,
"test_type": "string",
"test_type_code": int,
// tested app info
"app_info": {
"app_type": "android",
"icon_url": "string",
"name": "string",
"package": "string",
"size": int,
"version": "string"
// result of device dimension
"result_stat": {
"total_device_number": int,
"pass_device_number": int,
"exception_device_number": int,
"in_process_device_number": int,
"fist_start_device_time": "string",
// maximum waiting time
"max_wait_time": int,
// minimum waiting time
"min_wait_time": int,
// last device launched time
"last_start_device_time": "string",
"pass_rate": float,
"exception_rate": float,
curl -u <SecretId>:<SecretKey> "https://api.paas.wetest.net/cloudtest/v1/tests/<test_id>/result"
Description: return project list, you have to specify the project id when submitting the test.
Input Parameters
Output Parameters
"projects": [{
"project_id": "string", // project id used for submit test
"project_name": "string" // project name
"msg": "string",
"ret": int
curl -u <SecretId>:<SecretKey> "https://api.paas.wetest.net/cloudtest/v1/users/projects"