
13 Key Terms of Crash Reporting with CrashSight


Understanding the terminology used in crash reporting and analysis is crucial for effective monitoring and optimization. Here are some key terms you might encounter when working with CrashSight:

1. Anomalies Anomalies are collective terms for crashes, network lags, ANR errors, and operational app errors.

2. Crash A crash is any forced exit of the app while the user has it open.

3. Network Lag A network lag is a single session during which the network experiences a period of latency.

4. ANR ANR (application not responding) errors occur when a pop-up box appears indicating that the application is not responding. ANR errors are only counted in Android applications.

5. Error Errors include exceptions, bugs, general errors, or script errors (such as C#, Lua, JS, etc.).

6. Number of Occurrences Each exception that occurs, is recorded, and reported is counted as a single exception.

7. Affected Users Each single exception on a single device is counted as one affected user. Within a specified time range, if multiple exceptions occur on a single device, only one affected user will be counted.

8. User Anomaly Rate This rate incorporates user crash rate, user network lag rate, user ANR rate, and user error rate. It represents the ratio of affected users to total networked users.

9. Anomaly Occurrence Rate This rate includes the crash occurrence rate, network lag occurrence rate, ANR occurrence rate, and error occurrence rate. It represents the ratio of total anomaly occurrences to the number of network connections.

10. Number of Network Connections The total number of network connections is the sum of app activations and cross-day network connections.

11. Cross-Day Network Connections A cross-day network connection occurs when a user starts the application on a previous day and leaves it running in the background past 12 PM that day, remaining connected overnight.

12. Number of Activations An activation is counted when the application restarts after being completely closed or when the application is switched to the background and then switched to the foreground again after 30 seconds have elapsed.

13. Number of Networked Users The number of networked users is assessed based on user devices connected to the network. Within a specified time range, if a single device connects to the network repeatedly, only one user will be counted as being connected to the network.

By understanding these key terms, you can better interpret the data provided by CrashSight and make more informed decisions when analyzing and optimizing your app's performance.

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