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1Live Testing: A Comprehensive Guide Live testing is an essential aspect of the software development process and other industries like electronics. It refers to the process of testing a system or application while it's actively running, allowing developers and engineers to identify issues and faults in real-time.
2Level Up Your Game Development: The Critical Role of Game Testing in Creating High-Quality Games In this article, we will discuss the significance of game testing and the various methods used in the industry.
3How Does Rule-Based Performance Work? In this blog post, we are going to cover one of the most asked questions of how does rule-based performance work and what are their advantages and disadvantages. Make sure to read till the end to understand everything regarding RBP systems.
4Unleashing the Power of Usability Testing in Mobile App Development This article highlights the importance of usability testing in mobile application development and the challenges developers face in creating user-friendly experiences.
5How to check Compatibility of Mobile Apps and Games? How to check compatibility of mobile games and common applications on Android and iOS is the most common we receive on our platform. In this blog post, we are going to cover this topic in detail.